Research papers, Reports, Materials, Reviews
- Consideration on sustainable management and use of natural resources - From the case study of Tanushimaru Zaisan District Forest, Kurume, Fukuoka
- Kazuyo Nagahama
- Kyushu Forest Research 77 45-51, March 2024 (In Japanese)
- Sustainable use management and research issues of community forests - From a survey of forest panchayats in Uttarakhand, India -
- Kazuyo Nagahama
- Forest Technology 974 32-35, June 2023 (In Japanese)
- Critical Aspects of People’s Participation in Community-Based Forest Management from the Case of Van Panchayat in Indian Himalaya
- Kazuyo Nagahama, Satoshi Tachibana, Randeep Rakwal
- Forest 13(10), 2022.
- Report on the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Environmental Education (Kitakyushu, Online) (3) - Report on the International Exchange Group and English Reporting Group(Written in Japanese)
- Kazuyo Nagahama, Kimiharu Toh, Lim Sachi Ninomiya, Fumiko Noguchi, Jongbin Yuan, Ryo Sakurai, Kazuyuki Tamura, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Ariyoshi Kusumi, Kodai Kato, Takaya Iida, Go Hagiwara, Reiko Iwasa
- Environmental Education 31(4) 15-18, 2022
- Environmental Education and COVID-19:Impact and Response
- Kimiharu To, Fumiko Noguchi, Sachi Ninomiya-Lim, Takaya Iida, Kazuyo Nagahama, Ryo Sakurai, Jongbin Won, Hui-chun Yang, Reiko Iwasa, Kazuyuki Tamura, Yukihiko Asaoka, Go Hagiwara
- Japanese Journal of Environmental Education 30(3) 3_11-17, 2021.
- Video Recording of the session
- How Van Panchayat Rule Systems and Resource Use Influence People’s Participation in Forest Commons in the Indian Himalayas
- Kazuyo Nagahama, Kaoru Saito, Hirokazu Yamamoto, Yasukazu Hama, Hem Gairola, Prakash Singh,
- Randeep RakwalJournal of Sustainable Development 12(2) 56-69, 2019.
- Classroom Practice for Sustainable Forest Resource Conservation: Development of a Learning Program for Considering Japan's Role in the International Community
- Kazuyo Nagahama, Ryota Sakairi, Mutsuko Yanagishita, Tomoyuki Yamagishi
- Environmental Education 27(2) 39-50, 2017.
- An Examination of the Learning Effects of Reflection in a University Mathematical Literacy Course
- Ani Namba, Kazuyo Nagahama, Takayoshi Yamamoto
- Bulletin of Seitoku University, bulletin of Seitoku University Junior College (28) 173-179, 2017.
- The Van Panchayat Movement and Struggle for Achieving Sustainable Management of the Forest: A Case Study of Uttarakhand in North India
- Kazuyo Nagahama, Laxman Satya, Kaoru Saito
- SDRP Journal of Earth Sciences & Environmental Studies 1(3) 61-70, 2016.
- Forest Commons Use in India: A Case Study of Van Panchayat in the Himalayas Reveals People's Perception and Characteristics of Management Committee
- Kazuyo Nagahama, Kaoru Saito, Misa Masuda, Masahiko Ota, Hem Gairola, Subodh Kumar Kala,
- Randeep RakwalEnvironment and Ecology Research 4(3) 128-139, 2016.
- Utilizing the Cyberforest live sound system with social media to remotely conduct woodland bird censuses in Central Japan
- Kaoru Saito, Kazuhiko Nakamura, Mutsuyuki Ueta, Reiko Kurosawa, Akio Fujiwara, Hill Hiroki Kobayashi, Masaya Nakayama, Ayako Toko,Kazuyo Nagahama
- Ambio 44(4) 572-583, 2015.
- Classes on Demand to Utilize the Local Natural Resources in Otsuchi, Iwate
- Kazuyo Nagahama, Kazuhiko Nakamura, Ken Ishida, Masaya Nakayama, Akio Fujiwara, Kensuke Aijima, Yuji Zhangmoto, Ayumi Onishi, Sayo Kosaka, Hana Matsuzaki, Tatsuji Uchida, Kaoru Saito
- Environmental education 25(2) 115-122, 2015.
- Biodiversity and Conservation of Genetic Resources in Navdanya Plantation, North India
- Kazuyo Nagahama
- Environmental Education 24(1) 134-141, 2014.
- Educational Practices and Students' Transformation in "International Volunteer Theory
- Kazuyo Nagahama, Ayumi Egawa, Yoshihiro Ishida
- Journal of Higher Education Research, Hiro-Mejiro University (25) 99-106, 2019.
- International Trends in Environmental Education with a Focus on the Japan Society for Environmental Education Agreement (2014) and Proposals for Revitalizing International Exchange in the Future
- Takako Takano, Go Hagiwara, Masahisa Sato, Fumiko Noguchi, Sachi Ninomiya (Lim), WON Jongbin, Ryo Sakurai, Kazuyo Nagahama, Shinichi Furuhata
- Environmental Education 24(3) 114-122, 2015.
- Forest Research : My Theme (No. 33) Forest Panchayat in India, a Pioneer of Collaborative Forest Management
- Kazuyo Nagahama
- Green Power (418), 2013.
Book Review
- Returnee Education at a Turning Point
- Kazuyo Nagahama
- Comparative and International Education 4 144-145, 1996.
Book Publication
- Trees are crying - What is happening in Japanese forests
- Kazuyo Nagahama (Author)
- Iwanami Shoten, June 2023 (ISBN: 978-4-000272513)
- Why the Himalayan Forests were Protected: Resource Management of Van(Forest) Panchayats(Institutes) in Uttarakhand, India
- Kazuyo Nagahama (Author)
- Kyushu University Press, November 2022 (ISBN: 978-4-7985-0341-7)
- Human Resource Development and Learning in the Age of DX
- Kazuyo Nagahama (Shared writing, Chapter 3)
- Ningendo, December 2022 (ISBN: 978-4-910917-01-6)
- Pioneering the Future of School Education: All About Inquiry Learning: Teaching Principles and Assessment Methods Using the PC x R Cycle
- The Society for the Study of Environmental Inquiry (Editor)
- Godo Publishing, 2022. (ISBN: 9784772614979)
- Encyclopedia of Sustainable Society and Education
- Japan Society for Environmental Education, Japan Society for International Understanding Education, Japan Society for Social Education, Japan Society for School Education, SDGs Civil Society Network, Global Compact, Network Japan (Co-author) Kyoiku Shuppan 2019. (ISBN: 9784316804842)
- Responding to the Environmental Crisis
- Aran Martin, Kazuki Kagohashi, Michel T. Seigel, Jhon Pullen, Christian Dimmer, Kazuyo Nagahama, Winibaldus Stefanus Mere
- Nanzan University Institute for Social Ethics, 2015.
- Dictionary of Environmental Education
- Japan Society for Environmental Education, (Co-author)
- Kyoiku Shuppan, 2013. (ISBN: 9784316801308)
Presentation Paper
- Examination of design guidelines for sustained use and management of forests with a focus on women's participation: From case studies of a van panchayat in Uttarakhand, India
- Nagahama, K. (March 2024)
- International Conference ‘Mountain Ecosystem Processes and Sustainable Livelihood, Himachal Regional Center (HRC) of G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, India(Invited lecture)
- Utilization of Satoyama now and then, overseas and Japan - From the forests of the Indian Himalayas to the forests of Japan –(In Japanese)
- Kazuyo Nagahama (November 2023)
- Matsue, Shimane Satoyama Nurturing Society Annual General Meeting (Invited Lecture)
- Forest use and management in Uttarakhand, India (In Japanese)
- Kazuyo Nagahama (November 2023)
- 20th Village Environment Study Group. Kyushu University.
- Consideration on sustainable management and use of natural resources - From the case study of Tanushimaru Zaisan Ward Forest in Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture -
- Kazuyo Nagahama (October 2023)
- 79th Kyushu Forestry Society. Saga University.
- Participatory sustainable forest management in India (In Japanese)
- Kazuyo Nagahama (August 2023)
- Nanzan University Social Studies Research Talk Lab #4 “Forests and Humans” (Invited Lecture)
- Reestablishing the connection between forests and people - Conditions for sustainable use of forest resources -
- Kazuyo Nagahama (August 2023)
- Collection of research presentation abstracts for the 34th Annual Conference of the Japan Society for Environmental Education: 39, online.
- Design guidelines for sustainable use and management of forests focusing on the empowerment of local people.
- Nagahama, K. (June 2023)
- International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Division 5th Conference, The Forest Treasure Chest Delivering Outcomes, Cairns Convention Center, Queensland, Australia
- What is the job for a researcher?
- Kazuyo Nagahama (March 2023)
- Kashiwa City Tanaka Elementary School 6th grade (invited lecture)
- Factors for Sustainable Use and Management of Forests: A Case Study of School Forests in Takase District in Hita, Oita, Japan
- Kazuyo NAGAHAMA and Tokuji TAKAO (2023)
- Proceedings of the Environmental Inquiry Forum 2021: 3, Notre Dame Women's University of Kyoto.
- Condition of Participation and Role of Women in Community-based Forest Management: A Case of Van (Forest) Panchayats in Indian Himalaya
- Nagahama, K.,Tachibana, S. and Rakwal, R. (2022).
- Progress in Small-scale Forestry beyond the Pandemic and Global Climate Change, Symposium Program and Abstract of Presentations.
- Van Panchayat in Uttarakhand and Community Forest System in Japan
- Nagahama,K. (2022)
- Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, India. (Invited Speaker)
- From Integrated Learning Time to Integrated Inquiry Time - Challenges of the Environmental Inquiry Study Group and the Future of Inquiry Learning (In Japanese)
- Kazuyo Nagahama, Masao Muko, Shintaro Sato, Ryota Sakairi, Katsumi Mizuno, Hideki Ishida (2022)
- Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Environmental Education: 133, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology.
- A Study on Sustainable Natural Resource Use and Management: From the Viewpoint of Differences of Nature by Hosting Ukrainian Students. (In Japanese)
- Kazuyo Nagahama (2022)
- Abstracts of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Environmental
Education: 45. Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology.
- Forest Use and Management in Uttarakhand, India(In Japanese)
- Nagahama K. (2022)
- The 19th Meeting of Rural Environment Research Association. Kyushu University.
- Study of design guidelines for sustainable forest use and management Kazuyo Nagahama
- Kazuyo Nagahama
- Abstracts of Research Presentations at the Conference of the Japanese Society for Environmental Education, 2021.
- Educational Practices for Developing Literacy on Global Issues: The Case of Forest Use and Management in India
- Kazuyo Nagahama
- Abstracts of Research Presentations at the Conference of the Japanese Society for Environmental Education, 2020.
- Utilization and Educational Practice of Meiji Jingu Forest
- Kazuyo Nagahama, Hirofumi Ueda, Nobuko Imaizumi
- Abstracts of Research Presentations at the Conference of the Japanese Society for Environmental Education, 2019.
- Resource Use Management and Limitations of Participatory Forest Management: A Case Study of Forest Panchayats in the Indian Himalayas
- Kazuyo Nagahama
- Research and Presentation Abstracts for the Conference of the Japanese Society for Environmental Education, 2018.
- What "12-Year-Old Me" Can Do for the World: From the Classroom Practice of Considering Resource Management with Participation of Local People
- Kazuyo Nagahama, Ryota Sakairi, Mutsuko Yanagishita, Tomoyuki Yamagishi
- Abstracts of the Conference of the Japanese Society for Environmental Education, 2016.
- Classes on demand to utilize the local natural resources in Otsuchi, Iwate
- Nagahama Kazuyo, Nakamura Kazuhiko, Ishida Ken, Nakayama Masaya, Fujiwara Akio, Aijima Kensuke, Harimoto Hiroshi, Ohnishi Ayumi, Kosaka Sayo, Matsuzaki Hana, Uchida Ryuji, Saito Kaoru
- Abstracts of the Conference of the Japanese Society for Environmental Education, 2015
- Classes on demand to utilize the local natural resources in Otsuchi, Iwate
- Nagahama Kazuyo, Nakamura Kazuhiko, Ishida Ken, Nakayama Masaya, Fujiwara Akio, Aijima Kensuke, Harimoto Hiroshi, Ohnishi Ayumi, Kosaka Sayo, Matsuzaki Hana, Uchida Ryuji, Saito Kaoru
- Abstracts of the Conference of the Japanese Society for Environmental Education, 2015.
- Characteristics of Forest Management in Van (forest) Panchayat: Case Study of Sub-Himalayan Villages in India
- Nagahama Kazuyo, Nagahama Kazuyo, Saito Kaoru, Gairola Hem, Subodh Kala Kumar, Rakwal Randeep
- Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Forest Society of Japan, 2015.
- Science Education and Grassroots Practices for Sustainable Development in the Post-2015 Era
- Kazuyo Nagahama Annual Meeting of the Society for Environmental Science Program Abstracts Collection, 2014.
- Practical Implementation of Educational Programs in Kawakami Village for the History of Yoshino Forestry
- Kazuyo Nagahama, Kayoko Hirota, Futoshi Moriuchi, Hisashi Moriguchi
- Abstracts of the Conference of the Japanese Society for Environmental Education, 2014.
- Potential for community-based forest management in India: A Case Study of Van Panchayat in Garhwal, Himalayas
- Nagahama Kazuyo
- Japan Society for Environmental Education, 2013.
- Environmental Protection Movement in the Indian Himalayas
- Nagahama Kazuyo
- Japan Society for Environmental Education Conference, 2011.
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